Structural Engineering
Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering

«Technique expressed poetically leads us to architecture».

This statement by August Perret (1874-1954) perfectly interprets what integrated design means to Secured Solutions.

Our approach is based on the constant search for the connection between structure and language, in the conviction that the structural engineer must be a technician, an applied mechanic, and a humanist. Only in this way can he make a conscious contribution to architecture.

Therefore, buildings should be understood as the outcome of synergetic work between engineers and architects, a dialectical sharing space between scientific and humanistic knowledge, and a union of rigour and feeling. With this approach, we design structures in all fields of civil and industrial engineering: private residential, office, and commercial buildings; public buildings; infrastructure such as bridges and viaducts; water and sewage treatment plants; industrial plants; and offshore structures.

There is often a preconception that the engineering dimension of a construction limits the architect’s imagination. Instead, we believe that the knowledge and rigour with which a structural solution is arrived at leads to freedom of expression.

And in this regard, mathematician Donal O’Shea writes:

“Artists and humanists embrace complexity and ambiguity. Mathematicians, by contrast, work by obsessively defining terms and cleansing them of extraneous meanings. The almost neurotic insistence that everything must be rigorously defined and proved will allow us to imagine and discuss the unimaginable.”
(Donal O’Shea, The Poincaré Conjecture, Rizzoli, Milan 2007, pp. 68-70).

Our dedication to research and innovation leads us to collaborate with universities and research centres, participating in projects that aim to develop new technologies and methodologies in structural engineering. This collaboration allows us to keep abreast of discoveries and trends, which we apply in our projects to ensure state-of-the-art solutions.

Our team develops each phas e – the conceptual design of the structure, the development of calculations, the fulfilment of technical and regulatory obligations, the supervision of works, and the acceptance of the building – with scientific rigour and in full respect of the different competencies.

When the intervention concerns artefacts belonging to the existing building heritage, the wide range of information acquired from the work’s knowledge project and the instrumental campaign carried out in situ is used to implement the structural models with the most advanced software, obtaining a safety assessment consistent with the work’s actual structural configuration. 

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